Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kinglake Ranges Foundation

This has been lifted from a press release (edited to remove non-interesting bits by me):-

It is with great pleasure that I can now announce that the Kinglake Ranges Foundation has been officially created. With the winding down of VBRRA, the KRCRC, the limited resources of our local shire council and the return to essentially a pre-fire establishment of many other agencies it was felt that a local philanthropic organisation focused on local issues was a befitting legacy.

The foundation has been incorporated with 8 local Directors in which there is a good balance of business experience and social endeavour. All have demonstrated an entrepreneurial mindset and experience in one field or another.

* Chair: Bill Gale
* Deputy: Philip Szepe
* Public Officer: Colin French
* Secretary: Margaret Ryan
* Treasurer: Steve Szetey
* Other Directors: Jemima Richards, Kate Riddell and Brad Quilliam

The services of 3 external experienced Directors of some profile in the areas of Philanthropy and the Arts are being sought to compliment the above.

I am pleased to announce that the Governor of Victoria, His Excellency, Professor David DeKretser has agreed to be Patron of the Foundation.

We have also sought to enlist the services of FRRR, The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal to manage all Deductable Gift Recipient donations on behalf of the KRF because of their vast experience and wide powers as a Foundation in their own right. FRRR have been invaluable to this and other bushfire affected communities during the last two years.

It is intended that three funds will be established:
  1. A specific purpose fund for the establishment and operation of the proposed Cultural and Community Facility.
  2. A General Purpose Regional Fund to facilitate the funding of the Objectives and Purposes below.
  3. A Corpus, that is, a body of funds which of itself remains untouched however the interest accrued over time also facilitates the Objectives and Purposes below in perpetuity.
Donations are now actively being sought to facilitate the Objects and Purposes

The object of the Company is to provide support, relief, care and assistance to individuals and communities in the Kinglake Ranges who suffered directly or indirectly as a result of the Victorian Bushfires, including by:
  • developing a permanent endowment to assist the recovery and growth of communities across the Kinglake Ranges
  • assessing and responding to emerging and changing needs of Kinglake Ranges communities;
  • facilitating funding, delivery, construction and operation of local community infrastructure and facilities;
  • providing and facilitating programs and services addressing specific areas of need in Kinglake Ranges communities;
  • empowering members of Kinglake Ranges communities to participate in managing change in their communities;
  • serving as a resource catalyst for charitable activities in Kinglake Ranges communities;
  • facilitating the collection and distribution of resources and donations to be used for charitable activities in Kinglake Ranges communities;
  • creating new partnerships in the communities across the Kinglake Ranges;
  • providing local leadership in the provision of support, relief and assistance to Kinglake Ranges communities; and\
  • doing all other things which are necessary or expedient to further the objects of the company.
As stated earlier, the Foundation was formed in part to relieve the Murrindindi Shire Council of any burden associated with any ongoing costs associated with, for example, the proposed Cultural and Community Facility. In order to see that this facility becomes a reality we have asked for an operating lease where all outgoings become the responsibility of the Foundation. This remains a work in progress.

Stay tuned for further updates as they come to hand.

Bill Gale
Chair KRF

Yes, I am involved, as Treasurer. Whilst it is early days, the Foundation will, I believe, become an important part of the future of the community. I will have more to say about the Community Cultural Facility in future posts, but the building will become a focal point for the arts community in Kinglake (which is quite big). It will also provide a venue for visiting acts to perform in, extending the cultural opportunities available to everyone up here.

As the Foundation has only just been established we are busy looking for money to be contributed by wealthy individuals, philanthropic organisations and businesses. If you are one of those, feel free to leave your details with me as I am sure the Foundation will be very pleased to speak with you!

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